ARIADNE Research Project 

The axion is a light, weakly-interacting particle originally hypothesized to explain the lack of observed CP-violating effects in quantum chromodynamics (the "strong CP problem").  Axions and axion-like particles are also common in theories of physics beyond the standard model, where they can mediate exotic, spin-dependent interactions.  The axion has emerged as a leading candidate for dark matter, motivating a variety of experimental searches.

Axion searches fall into several categories depending on the axion source and coupling.  For example, the well-known haloscope experiments, such as ADMX, search for dark matter (cosmic) axions via their coupling to photons: the signal is the conversion of an axion to photons in a microwave cavity immersed in a strong magnetic field.

The axion mass range is commonly thought to be limited, by astrophysical observations, to a "window" between about 10 μeV and 10 meV.  Haloscope experiments are very sensitive to the lower end of this range, below 1 meV.

ARIADNE (Axion Resonant InterAction DetectioN Experiment) is sensitive to axions produced in the laboratory via the axion coupling to nuclear matter.  The signal is a novel spin-dependent interaction: an induced magnetization from a non-magnetic source.  ARIADNE is a "tabletop" NMR-type experiment which searches for the magnetization of a small (~ 1 mm3) sample of cryogenic, polarized helium-3 atoms as a dense, non-magnetic source mass is modulated in close proximity.  The source consists of a tungsten sprocket, rotated so that its teeth subtend the sample at a rate adjusted to match the nuclear spin precession frequency.  The signal is sensed with a SQUID magnetometer.  The projected sensitivity of this resonant approach improves on previous magnetometry experiments by several orders of magnitude.

Left: ARIADNE experiment concept.  Non-magnetic, sprocket-shaped source mass is rotated so that its teeth pass in close proximity to NMR sample of polarized helium-3, at the nuclear resonance frequency.    Induced magnetization of sample from “effective” magnetic field produced by axions is read out with SQUID magnetometer.  Right: Parameter space for axion-like particles in which the axion coupling strength to nucleons is plotted vs. axion mass.  Exclusion regions from previous experiments and astrophysical observations are in blue and brown; ARIADNE projected sensitivity in red.  Allowed axion region is in gray [adapted from: A. Arvanitaki, A. Geraci, PRL 113, 161801 (2014)].
Left: ARIADNE experiment concept.  Non-magnetic, sprocket-shaped source mass is rotated so that its teeth pass in close proximity to NMR sample of polarized helium-3, at the nuclear resonance frequency.    Induced magnetization of sample from “effective” magnetic field produced by axions is read out with SQUID magnetometer.  Right: Parameter space for axion-like particles in which the axion coupling strength to nucleons is plotted vs. axion mass.  Exclusion regions from previous experiments and astrophysical observations are in blue and brown; ARIADNE projected sensitivity in red.  Allowed axion region is in gray [adapted from: A. Arvanitaki, A. Geraci, PRL 113, 161801 (2014)].

By sourcing the axion locally in the lab, ARIADNE complements the haloscope experiments by constraining axions independently of the cosmic axion abundance.  It also has sensitivity above 1 meV, at the upper end of the mass window. 

ARIADNE is an international collaboration of about 25 scientists from 8 institutes, based at Northwestern University.  The UIUC group is responsible for the source mass.

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