Nine Illinois Nuclear Physics undergraduates presented their work at the 2022 DNP CEU
Nine Illinois Nuclear Physics Undergraduates presented their work at the Conference Experience for Undergraduates program as part of the American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting held October 27-30 in New Orleans. The students presented a poster or a talk on their own research and attended dedicated talks designed to give them a broader understanding of topics in nuclear physics and increase their awareness of graduate programs in nuclear physics.
DNP CEU 2022 Contributions from Illinois Nuclear Physics Group Undergraduate Students
Abraham Holtermann, "Observables to Measure Jet Energy Loss Fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions",
Supervisors: Anne Sickles, Jaki Norhona-Hostler
Anna Przybyl, "A Novel Reaction Plane Detector for the ATLAS Experiment"
Supervisors: Riccardo Longo, Matthias Grosse Perdekamp
Amanda Leveritt, "sPHENIX Electromagnetic Calorimeter Block Evaluation"
Supervisors: Anne Sickles, Caroline Riedl
Kristopher Young, "A New LED Pulser Board for the ATLAS and CMS ZDCs in LHC Run 4"
Supervisors: Riccardo Longo, Matthias Grosse Perdekamp
Paul Malachuk, "Gain Characterization of Photo-Multiplier Tubes used in the ATLAS ZDC Reaction Plane Detector for Run 3",
Supervisors: Riccardo Longo, Matthias Grosse Perdekamp
Samantha Lund, "Optimization of Air Light Guides for New ATLAS and CMS Zero Degree Calorimeters for LHC High Luminosity Operations",
Supervisors: Riccardo Longo, Matthias Grosse Perdekamp
Xuesi Ma, "Optical Transmission Measurements of Fused Silica Materials Irradiated to MGy Scale at the CERN Large Hadron Collider",
Supervisors: Riccardo Longo, Matthias Grosse Perdekamp
Yi Liu, "An LED-based calibration system for the new ATLAS Reaction Plane Detector in LHC Run 3",
Supervisors: Riccardo Longo, Matthias Grosse Perdekamp
Emily Dillingham, "Binary Love
Relation for the Inspiral of Heavy
Neutron Stars",
Supervisors: Jaki Norhona-Hostler,
Nico Yunes